Saturday, February 13, 2010

Peace in Iraq....... after or before war?

The President of USA received the Noble prize for Peace, how much deserving he was, it is an other question, but here we have to discuss that whether Iraq was more peaceful before American invasion or after attacks? USA came there to bring peace and to promote democracy, but after killing millions of innocent people, and destroying almost all infrastructure they gave Iraqis only suicide attack , worse economical situation and clash between public and security authorities. after all this, what do u think, was this attack lawful? Did it bring the required changes? Did Iraqis gained any benefits after all this sacrifices? Does USA achieved her goals? Dr it was only the thirst for Oil and energy which they are looting with all means?


  1. I think America is totally failed in her war on so called Terrorism. And now it is trying to find out a safe gate way, and almost she has left Iraq. although they are happy that they have done well but the fact is some this else.

  2. i think iraq was peaceful before america invaded the said country, although maybe iraq had some problems about terrorism.

    But the way how America did to iraq is not fair and not good coz they killed an innnocent people and destroyed the infrastructures.

    Instead of these, the best way that they can do is in a diplomacy...
